
Our team has extensive experience in all divisions of the construction industry. Our services reflect our specialized knowledge in providing environmental solutions.

SWPPP Design & Development

A comprehensive site visit will be conducted prior to developing your SWMP to determine potential pollution sources and assess other site characteristics.

A site-specific SWMP will be developed and will include:

  • SWPPP Narrative
  • SWPP Plan Sheets
  • Required Federal, State, and local documents
  • Required tracking forms

In addition, we will:

  • Process municipal submittals, as required.
  • Coordinate with regulatory agencies to ensure approval of your SWMP.
  • Prepare your Notice of Intent (NOI) application at the beginning of the project.
  • Assist you in filing the Notice of Termination (NOT) upon completion of the project.

SWPPP Management & Inspections

SWPPP Management

  • Our inspectors will ensure that all required documents are updated to reflect the current status of your project as required by the Construction General Permit (CGP)
    • As-builts
    • Storm Event Log
    • Grading & Stabilization Activities Log
    • Signature Sheets
    • Revision Reports

Site Inspections & Reports

  • Our certified inspectors will provide a thorough assessment of your site and make recommendations, if necessary, to ensure that you are in compliance with Federal, State and local requirements. For a list of Common Violations click HERE.
  • Inspection Reports will be delivered to you via email through an online reporting system. These reports will document current site conditions, deficiencies, and any additional control measures or maintenance needed.

SWPPP Assessments & Risk Analysis

We will evaluate your project and provide a comprehensive report on the overall level of compliance with the CGP, along with recommendations for improvements

SWPPP Training

We can provide SWPPP compliance training and answer your questions

  • Onsite
  • Office
  • Phone

Environmental Permitting Assistance

Environmental Permitting is required by the EPA and ADEQ. We can:

  • Assist you in obtaining your online permitting account through the EPA or ADEQ.
  • Prepare the Notice of Intent (NOI) application at the beginning of the project.
  • Assist in filing the Notice of Termination (NOT) upon completion of the project.

To set up your myDEQ account through ADEQ visit: or to set up your CDX (Central Data Exchange) account with the EPA click HERE.

Rule 310 Dust Permitting and Documentation

Dust permitting is required by most counties. We can:

  • Assist you with preparation of dust permitting documents.
  • Provide a field manual for on-site dust documentation.
  • In addition, our certified Dust Control Coordinator will audit your site for dust compliance.

For more information on Dust Permitting click below:

Maricopa County Permits/Forms/Applications

Pima County

Pinal County Air Quality

Unique and Impaired Waters of the US/Sensitive Areas

Projects within ¼ mile of unique and impaired waters require additional documentation and submittles. We can:

  • Develop a monitoring plan.
  • Assist in submittal of Discharge Monitoring Reports  (DMR).

Meet EPA Requirements for Projects on Tribal Lands

Projects on tribal land require permitting through the EPA. We can:

  • Develop a SWMP that is sensitive to tribal guidelines and meets EPA requirements.
  • Assist with setting up your CDX account.
  • Prepare the Notice of Intent (NOI) application at the beginning of the project.
  • Assist in filing the Notice of Termination (NOT) upon completion of the project.

To set up your CDX (Central Data Exchange) account with the EPA click HERE.

Environmental Health & Safety Management

We can provide the following environmental health and safety management services to
help you stay compliant with industry, state, and company-related safety regulations:

  • Perform Site Safety Compliance Assessments
  • Review and audit safety programs
  • Review daily safety reports
  • Attend onsite safety events
  • Provide formal and informal safety trainings

"Presenting the Solution"


